One thing that is truly wonderful about the 1920s Berlin Project in Second Life is the realism that is pursued there. As Augusta found out when she first arrived in Berlin, the sim is set up into different districts, and set up to represent life in the era as realistically as possible. The residents have all kinds of products and services available in Berlin, and depending on your status there, what you might have to do for yourself would vary.
Outside of the laundry owned by Jacob Cohen and Son. |
Even though washing clothes is not really needed in a virtual world, it would have been necessary in a Berlin neighborhood, especially one that was inhabited by the working classes.
Our virutal tour of the 1920s Berlin Project will start at the laundromat, which is located across the Steinpforte from the Keller.
One thing that the students I teach are mystified by is the fact that you actually had to
do things that today are done by machines. Ask them how their